4 thoughts on “What You Need to Know About Alcohol”

  1. We just listened to this message in its entirety and we say Amen!!!! This type of message should be proclaimed about every six months, in every church, worldwide!
    -The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Rev. 22:21,
    Concord Baptist Church
    Missionaries Ricky & Rena Burnette
    Rock of Ages Ministries,
    Publishing Department

  2. I finally got to listen to this sermon. As someone who used to drink, I can vouch for what you preached about. I used to think it was ok to drink and I done some things that I’m not proud of when I got drunk. Alcohol is dangerous and it causes a lot of grief especially when it comes to people who love you and wants what best for you. Keep up the great preaching. Everyone needs to hear this

  3. Me also
    As I’ve said numerous times the only difference between a drunk and a alcoholic is a drunk doesn’t have to sit through those boring meeting.
    I was a drunk.
    I got sober in 1981 and then have not been back.
    I stopped drinking and smoking the same day.
    DTs was so hard to get over with the night sweats and the shaking along with needing a drink but I did it.
    It’s so hard but with willpower and the help of the Good Lord it can be done
    I’ve done so many stupid things drunk like taking my tailpipe off my truck hot.
    Driving drunk was the dumbest.
    Riding my motorcycle drunk another stupid thing.
    But I’m over all of that and God has been so extremely good to me at times I didn’t deserve any of it.
    I’ll never, ever go back because I just don’t want to.
    I thank God every day for what he did and is still doing for and to me.
    God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
    Old life gone and still working on the new life.

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